The hotel-restaurant complex "Britain" is pleased to provide a new, modern, equipped with professional equipment, a conference room in the park area of Kharkov with a capacity of up to 1000 people.
You have a unique opportunity to conduct training, business meetings, seminars, meetings and other events in comfort and at a high level. To your attention: a large modern screen, a projector, a flip chart, laptops, microphones, office equipment, the possibility of renting any sound equipment.

Prices for additional services of the conference hall.
Conference room rental price -150 UAH / hour with the number of participants up to 30 people. Minimum order is 4 hours.
Equipment rent:
Flip chart - 200 UAH / day
Projector + screen - 1000 UAH / day
Rental of other equipment is discussed individually.
Coffee break - from 70 UAH. per person
Reception - From 300 UAH. per person
Business lunch - from 150 UAH. per person
Banquet (gala dinner) - from 400 UAH. per person

Seating pattern "Class"
Looks like: participants sit at tables (similar school desk). Before them is a presidium, a scene projector (space for a keynote speaker or presenter).
Able to accommodate 40 guests

"Theater" and "Amphitheater"
Looks like: the principle of seats are the same as in the style of sits on type "class", but in this version are not placed the tables, and chairs are set in a row. Participants also face to one side of the Presidium, the stands or scene. With such style of seating, there is often highlighted the so-called VIP-zone (usually the first few rows). If the width is greater than the length of the room, you can arrange the chairs semicircle (amphitheater), thus improving visibility for guests sitting on the edge.
Able to accommodate 70 guests.

Seating the "Round Table"
Looks like: participants sit at a large round table or rectangular tables, exposed to the total square. The basic principle is that all participants can see each other and can talk as equals. However, if there are members whose opinions and status will be more significant, they should be siated closer to the Chairman.
Able to accommodate 45 guests.

Seating "Horseshoe"
The chairs are small semi-circle at the same distance from the speaker.
Able to accommodate 40 guests.

Seating "Negotiations"
Looks like: members of each group are seated opposite each other at a rectangular table. Group leaders can take place on opposite sides of the table.
Able to accommodate 70 guests.

T-shaped seating
Here we can add that, when applied to business events, the T-shaped seating can be used for negotiations and meetings where participants can be divided into two groups - “host” and “guest”. The place of the presidium is usually occupied by the chairman of the “host” party.
Able to accommodate 40 guests.

U-shaped seating
U-shaped (sometimes called U-shaped seating) can be used for negotiations and seminars. The speaker has the opportunity to approach each participant as closely as possible. The audience can be divided into several groups.
It should be noted that variations of the arrangement of rectangular tables can be more. For example, the W-shaped arrangement or arrangement according to the “Herringbone” type.
Able to accommodate 40 guests

Seating "Banquet"
Looks like: guests seated at round tables. Tables can be arranged in a checkerboard pattern, or form "Lines" Often tables are numbered and guests are seated at tables so that they will be bale to hold interesting talk with each other.
Able to accommodate 60 guests

Seating "Cabaret"
Looks like: a part of the round table, facing the stage remains free.
Able to accommodate 50 guests.